imunano33  0.1.1
imunano33::MathUtil Class Reference

Utility static methods for math calculations. More...

#include <mathutil.hpp>

Static Public Member Functions

static bool nearZero (const num_t num)
 Determines if number is near zero with given precision. More...
static bool nearZero (const num_t num, const num_t tol)
 Determines if number is near zero with given precision. More...
static bool nearZero (const Vector3D &vec)
 Determines if vector is near zero with given precision. More...
static bool nearZero (const Vector3D &vec, const num_t tol)
 Determines if vector is near zero with given precision. More...
static bool nearEq (const num_t num1, const num_t num2)
 Determines if num1 is nearly equal to num2. More...
static bool nearEq (const num_t num1, const num_t num2, const num_t tol)
 Determines if num1 is nearly equal to num2. More...
template<typename T >
static T clamp (const T &num, const T &lo, const T &hi)
 Restricts num between lo and hi. More...

Detailed Description

Utility static methods for math calculations.

Member Function Documentation

◆ clamp()

template<typename T >
static T imunano33::MathUtil::clamp ( const T &  num,
const T &  lo,
const T &  hi 

Restricts num between lo and hi.

If num < lo, returns lo, if num > hi, returns hi, otherwise returns num. If lo > hi, then behavior is undefined.

Template Parameters
TNumber type being clamped.
numNumber to clamp
loLower bound
hiUpper bound
Clamped number

◆ nearEq() [1/2]

static bool imunano33::MathUtil::nearEq ( const num_t  num1,
const num_t  num2 

Determines if num1 is nearly equal to num2.

The tolerance is 0.00001.

This is helpful for comparing the equality of floating point numbers.

num1A number to compare
num2A number to compare
If the numbers are near each other such that they can be counted as equal.

◆ nearEq() [2/2]

static bool imunano33::MathUtil::nearEq ( const num_t  num1,
const num_t  num2,
const num_t  tol 

Determines if num1 is nearly equal to num2.

This is helpful for comparing the equality of floating point numbers.

num1A number to compare
num2A number to compare
tolTolerance within zero such that a number strictly less than this tolerance is counted as zero.
If the numbers are near each other such that they can be counted as equal.

◆ nearZero() [1/4]

static bool imunano33::MathUtil::nearZero ( const num_t  num)

Determines if number is near zero with given precision.

The tolerance is 0.00001.

numThe number to determine if near zero
if the num is near zero

◆ nearZero() [2/4]

static bool imunano33::MathUtil::nearZero ( const num_t  num,
const num_t  tol 

Determines if number is near zero with given precision.

numThe number to determine if near zero
tolTolerance within zero such that a number strictly less than this tolerance is counted as zero.
if the num is near zero

◆ nearZero() [3/4]

static bool imunano33::MathUtil::nearZero ( const Vector3D vec)

Determines if vector is near zero with given precision.

The tolerance is 0.00001.

vecThe vector to determine if near zero
if the vector is near zero

◆ nearZero() [4/4]

static bool imunano33::MathUtil::nearZero ( const Vector3D vec,
const num_t  tol 

Determines if vector is near zero with given precision.

vecThe vector to determine if near zero
tolTolerance within zero such that a number strictly less than this tolerance is counted as zero.
if the vector is near zero

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