simplevectors  0.3.9
Simple vector implementations in C++
Basic Usage

This section covers basic usage of vectors with svector::Vector2D and svector::Vector3D objects. For more details, see the library API.

Everything is under the namespace svector.

The examples below are combined in the example/basic_examples.cpp file in the source code.

All of the examples below (except for initialization, printing, and those specifically noted) show the methods of the vector object. For each method, there is also a function under the svector namespace that takes in a vector object and the arguments for the corresponding method. For example:

double xval = v2d.x() + 1;
A simple 2D vector representation.
Definition: vector2d.hpp:25

is equivalent to:

double xval = svector::x(v2d) + 1;
svector::x(v2d, xval);
float x(const EmbVec2D &v)
Gets the x-component of a 2D vector.
Definition: embed.h:295
To ensure compatiblity between embedded and non-embedded versions, it is recommended to use the functional equivalents over the member functions.


Below are examples of zero initialization and initializing with values.

svector::Vector2D zero2d; // <0, 0>
svector::Vector3D zero3d; // <0, 0, 0>
svector::Vector2D v2d(2, 4); // <2, 4>
svector::Vector3D v3d(2, 4, 5); // <2, 4, 5>
A simple 3D vector representation.
Definition: vector3d.hpp:26

Using makeVector()

You can also initialize a vector in a functional manner by using the svector::makeVector() function. This function can be used to initialize a vector from an std::array, std::vector, or an initializer list. Note that if you are using svector::makeVector() to initialize from a std::vector or an initializer list, then you need to specify the number of dimensions as a template argument. If you are using an initializer list, you also need to specify the type of the vector elements.

std::array<double, 5> an_std_array = {{1, 2, 3, 5, 2}};
svector::Vector<5> vec_from_std_array =
svector::makeVector(an_std_array); // <1, 2, 3, 5, 2>
std::vector<double> an_std_vector = {1};
svector::Vector2D vec_from_std_vector =
svector::makeVector<2>(an_std_vector); // <1, 0>
// If there are too few elements inside the std::vector, then the rest of the
// dimensions for the vector will be 0. If there are too many, then the vector
// truncates the dimensions.
svector::Vector2D vec_from_initializer_list =
svector::makeVector<2, double>({1, 4, 5}); // <1, 4>
// If there are too few or too many elements inside the initializer list, then
// makeVector() handles it the same way as it would handle a std::vector that
// has too few/many elements.
Vector< D, T > makeVector(std::array< T, D > array)
Creates a vector from an std::array.
Definition: functions.hpp:40
A base vector representation.
Definition: vector.hpp:34


Both svector::Vector2D and svector::Vector3D have toString() methods for printing.

#include <iostream>
std::cout << zero2d.toString() << std::endl; // "<0.000, 0.000>"
std::cout << v3d.toString() << std::endl; // "<2.000, 4.000, 5.000>"
virtual std::string toString() const
Returns string form of vector.
Definition: vector.hpp:153


The properties are shown in the code snippet below.

// components of the vector
std::cout << v2d.x() << " " // "2"
<< v2d.y() << " " // "4"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << v3d.x() << " " // "2"
<< v3d.y() << " " // "4"
<< v3d.z() << " " // "5"
<< std::endl;
// 2D magnitude and angle from horizontal, in radians
std::cout << v2d.magn() << std::endl; // "4.472"
std::cout << v2d.angle() << std::endl; // "1.107"
// 3D magnitude and angle from x-axis (ALPHA), y-axis (BETA),
// and z-axis (GAMMA) in radians
std::cout << v3d.magn() << std::endl; // "6.708"
std::cout << v3d.angle<svector::ALPHA>() << std::endl; // "1.268"
std::cout << v3d.angle<svector::BETA>() << std::endl; // "0.9322"
std::cout << v3d.angle<svector::GAMMA>() << std::endl; // "0.730"
// NOTE: the angle methods will result in undefined behavior if the magnitude
// of the vector is zero.
// set component values
v2d.x(4); // v2d is now <4, 4>
v3d.z(3); // v3d is now <2, 5, 3>
// check if a vector is a zero vector (magnitude is zero)
std::cout << (v2d.isZero() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl; // false
std::cout << (v3d.isZero() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl; // false
Angle between positive x-axis and vector.
Definition: units.hpp:24
Angle between positive z-axis and vector.
Definition: units.hpp:26
Angle between positive y-axis and vector.
Definition: units.hpp:25

Note that the functional equivalent for getting the angles of a 3D vector is slightly different:

std::cout << svector::alpha(v3d) << std::endl; // alpha angle
std::cout << svector::beta(v3d) << std::endl; // beta angle
std::cout << svector::gamma(v3d) << std::endl; // gamma angle
// NOTE: the angle methods will result in undefined behavior if the magnitude
// of the vector is zero.
float alpha(const EmbVec3D &vec)
Gets α angle.
Definition: embed.h:752
float beta(const EmbVec3D &vec)
Gets β angle.
Definition: embed.h:766
float gamma(const EmbVec3D &vec)
Gets γ angle.
Definition: embed.h:780

You can also access the x, y, and z components using the [] operator. In this case, the 0th index would correspond to the x-value, the 1st index would correspond to the y-value, and the 2nd index would correspond to the z-value. This also works on higher-dimensional vectors. There is no functional equivalent to this operator.

// set component values
v2d[0] = 2;
v2d[1] = 4; // v2d is now <2, 4>
v3d[0] = 2;
v3d[1] = 4;
v3d[2] = 5; // v3d is now <2, 4, 5>
// components of the vector
std::cout << v2d[0] << " " // same as x(), will print out "2"
<< v2d[1] << " " // same as y(), will print out "4"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << v3d[0] << " " // same as x(), will print out "2"
<< v3d[1] << " " // same as y(), will print out "4"
<< v3d[2] << " " // same as z(), will print out "5"
<< std::endl;


Below are the operations that can be done on both 2D and 3D vectors. For simplicity, examples will be shown with only 2D vectors.

svector::Vector2D rhs(3, -4);
svector::Vector2D sum = lhs + rhs; // <5, 1>
svector::Vector2D difference = lhs - rhs; // <-1, 9>
svector::Vector2D product = lhs * 3; // <6, 15>
svector::Vector2D quotient = lhs / 3; // <0.667, 1.667>
double dot_product =; // -14
svector::Vector2D neg = -lhs; // <-2, -5>
svector::Vector2D pos = +lhs; // <2, 5>
T dot(const Vector< D, T > &other) const
Dot product.
Definition: vector.hpp:409

Cross products only work on 3D vectors.

svector::Vector3D lhs3d(2, 5, -3);
svector::Vector3D rhs3d(6, 5, 9);
svector::Vector3D cross = lhs3d.cross(rhs3d); // <60, -36, -20>
EmbVec3D cross(const EmbVec3D &lhs, const EmbVec3D &rhs)
Cross product of two vectors.
Definition: embed.h:700

Vectors can be added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided in place.

svector::Vector2D inplacev(2, 5);
inplacev += svector::Vector2D(3, 6);
inplacev -= svector::Vector2D(2, 3);
inplacev *= 5;
inplacev /= 7;
std::cout << inplacev.toString() << std::endl; // "<2.143, 5.714>"


Works for both 2D and 3D vectors.

svector::Vector2D lhs1(2, 5);
svector::Vector2D rhs1(3, -4);
svector::Vector2D lhs2(2, 5);
svector::Vector2D rhs2(2, 5);
bool equal1 = lhs1 == rhs1; // false
bool equal2 = lhs1 != rhs1; // true
bool equal3 = lhs2 == rhs2; // true
bool equal4 = lhs2 != rhs2; // false


Below shows an example of vector normalization.

svector::Vector2D unnorm2D(3, 4);
svector::Vector3D unnorm3D(3, 4, 5);
svector::Vector2D norm2D = unnorm2D.normalize(); // <0.6, 0.8>
svector::Vector3D norm3D = unnorm3D.normalize(); // <0.424, 0.566, 0.707>
Vector< D, T > normalize() const
Normalizes a vector.
Definition: vector.hpp:446
normalize() will result in undefined behavior if the magnitude of the vector is zero.

Rotation 2D

For 2D vectors, the rotate method requires one argument, ang, which is the angle to rotate in radians. A positive angle indicates counterclockwise rotation, and a negative angle indicates clockwise rotation. The method returns a new vector.

svector::Vector2D v1ccw = v1.rotate(M_PI_4); // <0.707, 0.707>
svector::Vector2D v2cw = v1.rotate(-M_PI_4); // <0.707, -0.707>
Vector2D rotate(const double ang) const
Rotates vector by a certain angle.
Definition: vector2d.hpp:106

Rotation 3D

For 3D vectors, the rotate method only works for one axis at a time. It requires a template argument indicating the axis to rotate around: ALPHA for the x-axis, BETA for the y-axis, and GAMMA for the z-axis.

svector::Vector3D v1_3D(1, 0, 1);
svector::Vector3D v1_xRotation =
v1_3D.rotate<svector::ALPHA>(M_PI_2); // <1, -1, 0>
svector::Vector3D v1_yRotation =
v1_3D.rotate<svector::BETA>(M_PI_2); // <1, 0, -1>
svector::Vector3D v1_zRotation =
v1_3D.rotate<svector::GAMMA>(M_PI_2); // <0, 1, 1>
Vector3D rotate(const double &ang) const
Rotates vector around a certain axis by a certain angle.
Definition: vector3d.hpp:196

Rotations can also be chained:

svector::Vector3D v1_chained =
.rotate<svector::GAMMA>(M_PI_2); // <1, 0, -1>

Note that the functional equivalent of rotation around a certain axis is slightly different:

svector::Vector3D v1_xRotation = svector::rotateAlpha(v1_3D, M_PI_2);
svector::Vector3D v1_yRotation = svector::rotateBeta(v1_3D, M_PI_2);
svector::Vector3D v1_zRotation = svector::rotateGamma(v1_3D, M_PI_2);
EmbVec3D rotateGamma(const EmbVec3D &vec, const float ang)
Rotates around z-axis.
Definition: embed.h:844
EmbVec3D rotateAlpha(const EmbVec3D &vec, const float ang)
Rotates around x-axis.
Definition: embed.h:792
EmbVec3D rotateBeta(const EmbVec3D &vec, const float ang)
Rotates around y-axis.
Definition: embed.h:818


The Vector class and the classes that extend it (namely Vector2D and Vector3D) are container-like in the sense that they have iterators and begin(), end(), rbegin(), and rend() methods. This means that they can be looped through like any other STL container.

svector::Vector<5> vector_loop{1, 6, 4, 3, 9};
for (const auto& i: vector_loop) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
} // 1, 6, 4, 3, 9

This can be helpful for calculating sums.